Sunday, February 25, 2007

7th Heaven: 15

Going home soon. Just waiting for the wheelchair to come get me... not sure why they do that. I have to walk when I get home. :)

At home the first thing that Hannah wanted to do was hold Sijah.

My mom made shirts for the kids that say "Sijah's big sister/brother." Pretty cute.

Home in his own bed.

Sijah has not latched on to me and that is not working for me! I am having to pump for every feeding and I am not looking forward to tonight.

I am still amazed at the experience I had this time at the hospital. They did all the assessments of Sijah with me in our room - except being weighed and when the dr wanted to see him. He sleeps much more than our other children did. I'm sure that won't last long, but it nice for now. Recovery this time around is different. I'm usually able to get up and move around with no problem just hours after delivery. This time I am in some major pain that is not lessened by pain killers. We'll see how tomorrow is.

I do have to say that an epidural was nice for not feeling the pain. But so not rewarding. I do not feel the satisfaction that I did after the others. I feel like I didn't labor. (I didn't labor at all) If I had known that I would not be getting the pitocin, I bet that I wouldn't have got the epidural. Though, having an hour at a 10 and being able to push would have been seriously hard.

God is so good! He answered all my prayers concerning this pregnancy. I am so thankful to have another boy in our family and am excited to see what personality he will bring.

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

7th Heaven: 14

My little Sijah Nathan Crispin.
Yep, that's his middle name. :)

We are having a hard time feeding. Those of you that can, please be praying for us. I finally figured out late today what our deal was. Sijah's tongue is far back in his mouth when he is trying to latch on, so no latch happens. He got so frustrated with me last night. :) He hasn't been eating very much and that puts him at risk for joundus. The Nurse has said he looks like he is getting it but that right now it is not bad. I just pray he doesn't get joundus and we can learn to eat. He sleeps so much! It's hard to wake him so he can feed. Hopefully we'll have a better night.

Joshua had to work at Cross Timbers tonight and my mom watched the kids (thank you Grammy!). After church Joshua came to the hospital by himself and we got to be together with our newest little. It was very nice. Joshua brought us a movie to watch, 'Love's Long Journey,' I've been wanting to see it and Joshua has been saying, "not a guy movie!" It was nice. Sijah got to be in daddy's arms and we got to have some quite time together.

I leave tomorrow at 11am and then we get to start our adventure of learning a new baby routine and feeding schedule and all that fun. I bet the kids will be excited to have us home.

These are the pictures that the kids made for Sijah.

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Friday, February 23, 2007

7th Heaven: 13

Sijah is here!
Photos for you to enjoy!!!

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Joshua's Update Express ! Delivery is Today.

Hello everyone, Joshua Crispin here with a running update of Sijah's delivery at Baylor hospital. Jennifer here commenting in yellow. It is 10pm and I have some time to write.

6:30 am:
We arrive 30 minutes late at the hospital.
Talked with nurses and the doctor.
Lots of questions and papers to sign, after they put the IV start in my right hand. :) I am not a good lefty.

7:30 am:
Doctor breaks Jennifer's water. Took a long time....quite painful for her.
Doctor says she has never experienced such a stubborn water membrane.
Oh my! Was that ever painful. Sijah was held in good!

8:30 am:
Jennifer focusing on the eventual pain a lot. I am trying to keep her thinking about baby names etc.
I was trying to stay positive. :)

8:45 am:
Jennifer talks to Doctor about all the pain management alternatives...asks for the anesthesiologist to speak with him.
Basically there are not alternatives to an epidural, so the nurse was saying.

8:50 am:
Anesthesiologist talks with us. Jennifer has decided not to do epidural....may take Tylenol....thinks Tylenol won't do any good. I think its better than nothing if she is this worried. She has never been worried during the other 4 births.
My Dr. tells me that I can have Tylenol. :) TYLENOL for delivery pain! I don't think so. I need something stronger that that. :)

9:05 am:
Dad (David Crispin) calls to talk on my cell phone. (the speaker phone) To both of us.
May bring some breakfast for Joshua.....we'll see.

9:12 am:
Sijah is moving around alot..heartbeat speeds up on the monitor when he moves...up to around 175 bpm. We are still talking about the middle name for Sijah.........nurse just came into the room...shut off the cell phone real quick and hid it with my super swift spy skills.
even though I am online via wireless the cell really shouldn't matter....

9:20 am:
Jennifer is hungry now....Jennifer, judging by the past births, thinks Sijah might arrive by 12 Noon....we are taking bets now... :-) ...... Jennifer says the temperature is too cold....Turning up the heat.....
At this time I was thinking that my contractions were not coming like normal. They were not regulated at all.

9:25 am:
NURSE: suggests taking Pitocin to start delivery... Jennifer says lets wait a few hours. She really does not want a HARD-FAST induced delivery. I agree. Contraction again.....
The Nurse noticed it too. I really do not want pitocin!

9:27 am:
NURSE back from talking to Doctor...Doctor says we should not wait too long to start Pitocin....Jennifer tells the nurse IF we need to do pitocin, then she wants the epidural.....??? the nurse is convincing Jennifer to get hooked up to an IV in case we do an epidural.
Pitocin is not natural - I am not going natural! :)

9:37 am:
Nurse hooking up the IV bag.... sent emails out to more people about these updates....Outlook not working from the hospital.... IV is now in. Jennifer comments that she doesn't like how IV's make her feel....makes her mouth feel funny.....still no major contractions.....approaching 2.5 hours since water break.
I don't like feeling something going threw my body. Very unnatural. :) I hope that I'll be able to email everyone tonight...

9:45 am:
AOL IM not working from hospital either...I'd log in if I could for REAL-TIME chat.
NURSE returns, talking with Jennifer, giving medicine so epidural does not make Jennifer sick....Jennifer very verbal about saying she really does NOT want Pitocin.....
No one ever talks about the drink that you take before you get an epidural. Well, at least not that I know of. I've never had to drink something before the epidural with the cerclages. It is like an orange sweet tart on steroids. Yuk!

10:00 am:
Two contractions only within the last 30 minutes....maybe three..... nothing steady yet.....sent a few more emails....if you are reading the posts live....please email others who may be at home (or check email often) and are interested in staying updated.....
Started to feel more intense contractions.

10:10 am:
Jennifer says "Yeah, I really don't want the pain." She says it's really just uncomfortable..not pain really. An associate from Dr.Crow's office is talking to Jennifer about hospital services we denied...getting her signature on the paperwork. Vitamin K only for the baby. No un-needed procedures to be performed.
Yeah, not really into the pain. :) These contractions were pretty hard and long. Not hard enough to squeeze Joshua's hand. I was signing the waver to not have the eye ointment put in Sijah's eye.

10:20 am:
ANESTHESIOLOGIST arrives....epidural about to be put in....Jennifer making sure he knows she needs him to be verrrryyyy careful. Been hurt before with epidural for surgery etc....
Checking charts from cerclage procedures....etc.....
This was Dr. Fox. Very good! He was nice, funny, and best of all - he didn't hurt me. I was feeling very strong contractions now and they were lasting about 1 to 2 minutes.

10:33 am:
Epidural is pain. Jennifer is just bombarding them with do I use the button..what will I feel?....can I push with my muscles? it already working....
Very different and not sure if I wanted this and well, just very different!

10:51 am:
Catheter put in.
NOW AT A 6 or 7 DIAMETER.....
Pitocin NOT being used yet.
Doctor says to wait another hour before trying Pitocin.
I am so glad that Pitocin was not used!!! Very glad! I think that getting the IV started and my body being introduced to something new jump started the labor even more.

11:05 am:
Nurse is preparing table for delivery. Jennifer usually delivers extremely fast once reaching eight centimeters. Feeling no pain and talking about the different sensations with the drugs working. ( Druggie ) :-) She'll probably erase that part later.
This was so weird! Knowing that I was at a 6 or 7 and knowing what that should feel like... it was so weird to not feel anything. I could feel slight pressure. Very weird. I didn't like not being able to know what my body was doing, but I did like not feeling the pain. :)

11:13 am:
7 or 8 centimeters on her own. No Pitocin. Jennifer says its much better not to feel the nurse checking her progress because it's usually very uncomfortable. Jennifer is also glad her body is not needing the Pitocin. Now she asks "what are you writing?" :-)
No pitocin! So so so glad!

11:26 am:
Doctor Flowers comes in to check progress.
9 centimeters! Getting ready to start pushing within 20 minutes.
I was at a 9 and couldn't feel it! So weird! I know that I don't like not knowing what my body is doing but I really like not feeling the pain.

11:41 am:
New nurse to check progress.
Jennifer thinks she is ready, but the nurse says a few more minutes until pushing begins.
I can feel more pressure. The nurse checked me and said that Sijah had not yet dropped completely and that he needed more time to come down before we pushed him. I really liked this nurse.

As I felt more and more pressure the nurse said that she'd check me again. She asked me to do a "practice" push to see if Sijah would come with a push or if he needed more time. He was coming. But how do women do this with an epidural? It was like pushing nothing. I didn't know when my body wanted me to push. All I could go by was the pressure and just tryed to push that. It was so weird.

12:35 PM:
Weight: 7 lbs 15 oz.
Length: 20 3/4in.

Jennifer pushed 3 or 4 times and walla! Here he comes. We will post some pictures soon.

I used a mirror! I saw his head coming and then his body just flop out. It was very neat! I didn't have a desire to watch the other children being born, mainly b/c my eyes are closed while i concentrate on breathing. But I figured that I wasn't in much pain and it might be neat. It was so cool. I almost cryed out of joy when I saw him coming. What a miracle!

He has light hair and I haven't got a good look at his eyes yet.

The coolest thing is that the nurse did everything in the room with me for Sijah! She bathed him and did the VK shot and the PKU and everything, there with me! I was disappointed in the epidural at that time b/c I would have been able to bathe him. But I still loved that they had him stay with me. They didn't take him away at all! When we got to our new room the nurse took him to get weighed and then brought him right back. He's been with me ever since. It is so neat. I'm getting tired now. I'll take more pictures tomorrow and post.

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Monday, February 19, 2007

7th Heaven: 12

I am 38 and some weeks now.

I had an appointment today and I am at 3cm dilated! Yes, and still not in labor.

We are scheduled for induction on Friday at 6am. AM! Why do they do this so early?

I'm excited to know that we will be seeing Sijah soon and I can once again tie my shoe. :)

I'll be posting pictures while in the hospital so you all will get a look at him very soon.

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Friday, February 16, 2007

Funny things that kids do

Today there were 2 things that happened that sent me laughing. I just have to share.

Caleb has been watching 'Jay Jay,' a movie with funny looking planes. There is an episode about 'upsedownosis,' (sp?) a condition that planes can get to make them fly upside down. Caleb got on the couch, threw himself upside down off the side and says, "I have upseeeeedown oasis!"

My little one year old, Abrianna is a sponge as she is watching all of us and learning so much. Our changing table is outside of the bathroom and it is where we put our children's towels. They are in reach of the kids but have not been a problem until Abrianna found them. :) She got a washcloth today and walked down a very long hall (for a one year old), came to me, picked up my foot, and washed it. Yes, apparently my feet need to be cleaned! Then she washed the walls and then Caleb's face. Quite a laugh to see this wobbly little one trying to clean. If only the washcloth was wet, maybe she could have been doing some good. :)

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

To my Valentine

I am a fan of Josh Groban. His music just 'speaks' to me, if you know what I mean. Nothing in words (that I've seen) speaks of my love for Joshua like this song.

"When You Say You Love Me"

Like the sound of silence calling,
I hear your voice and suddenly
I'm falling, lost in a dream.
Like the echoes of our souls are meeting,
You say those words and my heart stops beating.
I wonder what it means.
What could it be that comes over me?
At times I can't move.
At times I can hardly breathe.

When you say you love me
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me
For a moment, there's no one else alive

You're the one I've always thought of.
I don't know how, but I feel sheltered in your love.
You're where I belong.
And when you're with me if I close my eyes,
There are times I swear I feel like I can fly
For a moment in time.
Somewhere between the Heavens and Earth ,
And frozen in time, Oh when you say those words.

When you say you love me
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me
For a moment, there's no one else alive

And this journey that we're on.
How far we've come and I celebrate every moment.
And when you say you love me,
That's all you have to say.
I'll always feel this way.

When you say you love me
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me
In that moment,I know why I'm alive

When you say you love me.
When you say you love me.
Do you know how I love you?

I don't know how else to say it. I love you so much with an unmeasurable amount of love. You are a wonderful husband and father. Thank you for your hard work for our family and your unconditional love for me. 3

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Valentines Day!

It's Valentines Day! The most fun holiday!
Yeah, you know that I'm joking.
Want to know what we did? Glad you said yes. :)

* Woke up to 2 children crying at 2am
* Helped 2 children get back to sleep for an hour
* Attempted to go back to sleep
* Was not able to get to sleep
* All kids woke up at 7 (normally they wake up at 8)
* I put in a movie and attempted to sleep more
* My kids were hungry... what to make?
* Pancake mix in the fridge
* Got breakfast made at about 11am
* Mandatory 'rest time' at 11:30
* Movie time, again, so mom can sleep
* Kids are hungry again
* Why do they eat so much?
* Lunch at 2:30 - PB&J
* 'Rest time' again!
* Kids do not want to rest, again.
* Joshua calls to say that he'll be late (30mins)
* We are ordering out!
* Called Hong Kong Express
* I've never ordered in Chinese before
* 5:30 got a knock on the door.
* Chinese food and a package from Aunt Becky
* Aunt Becky made our day!
* Candy hearts, chocolate, toys :)
* We ate
* Joshua came home
* Joshua ate
* Put kids to bed at 7:30
* Sarah fell asleep on Joshua
* I made Abrianna a blanket and listened to my pod casts
* Went to bed at 9pm

Happy Valentines Day!


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

7th Heaven: 11

37wks: Baby weighs about 6 pounds and is about 19” long. Baby’s lungs are now mature and the baby continues to practice breathing in preparation for its first breath.

I had an appointment today and am at 2 1/2cm dilated. The baby has not 'dropped' yet is what my Dr. tells me... I thought he had! I guess he is not quite ready. I have an appointment to be induced on the 21st, though I'm not sure this date will work. I really need it to be on a Friday if it is going to be scheduled. Next Monday we'll see were I am at, if I've dilated more and if he as dropped, then we may stick to that date. Otherwise I'll let it go another week and wait on his/His timing. :)

I told you guys that I would let you know the name of our boy (we don't have a middle name yet)...

Sijah Crispin

This is a name made up of a combination of 2 names.
It is completely original, put together by Joshua.
Simon - Hebrew, to obey
Elijah - Hebrew, Jehovah is God.

Sijah - Hebrew, to obey and know that Jehovah is God

I have some reservations about telling people our sons name because of the first 3 people that we ran his name by. They were family and I guess because I didn't say this is his name, our loving family though it was their place to give advise against the name. Well, it's been a while of telling other people besides our family and no one had been negative. I'm feeling better now. All of our children have been named with purpose. We have not let child be an exception. Joshua and I spent many days thinking about our boy, thinking about what his name should be. Joshua started thinking about his birth order and the typical tendencies he may have. God willing, Sijah will be the last (regardless, he is a 5th child) and typically the last children feel the most left out and can also be the biggest "class clowns." Knowing that, we want for his name to say, 'we care so much for you, we put much thought into your name, you are not just a number in a list of children.' We are also giving him a unique name that could help in an entertainment type world. His name stands out and is remembered. (We know, we don't know what he'll be doing, just typical and with thought and prayer we know this is his name) The biggest thing is that we love our children equally. When we say, 'Sijah,' we are saying, 'we love you so much, you are very special to us.'

Sijah will be here soon and I can't wait to meet him!

Oh - by the way - Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me.

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

7th Heaven: 10

36wks (9m): Lighting may occur. This is when the baby “drops” into the pelvis.

This has already happened. I can feel him much lower and it is not comfortable on the bladder! :)

I got the cerclage out today and I am on my way to having this baby. I am at 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. So it'll be another few weeks! :) I take such a long time to get going but then when my water brakes it is fast. I am really hoping for the 16th now. We'll see.

You may find this unbelievable, but it is true. I still get comments from people about our family planning - negative and positive. Manly from family but also from friends and people that don't even know me. I thought that I would answer some of the questions I get asked the most.

Top 6 questions Jennifer gets asked about her family planning:

1) Don't you have to let your body recuperate after pregnancy, can your body handle it?
Well, if you knew all our stories about child birth you may say that God made me to have babies. It is not fun and glamours, but it is ok. My Dr. has assured me that my body will be ok. I can say that with each pregnancy I have experienced more difficulty. My Dr. tells me it comes with being pregnant often, whether close together or not. There is not a "recuperation" period that you body needs in order to function correctly. Every persons body is different. This is why I say that God made me for having babies. There are some people that need more time. We are all differently made by God. Not one way is better than the other.

2) Can you afford to have more children, what does Joshua think about this?
I can tell you that Joshua is thrilled. He loves his children and loves having a big family. I laugh at this because it makes me want to ask, did you think that Joshua wasn't in on the decision? :) God says that He will provide for our needs. He is the author and creator of life. So with those two truths, I say yes we can afford to have a family. This as a factor that many people take into consideration when "family planning." If you think that what you need is more than your actual needs than you could see us as not being able to afford anything but a house. In the area that we live in with such wealthy people (or seemingly so) in such large houses it makes others think that is the life. We know differently. We have a nice home, and could go smaller. Just the mere mention of that sends some people into a whorl wind of, " need ROOM for all your children." Who came up with that? Only recently is it a 'norm' for everyday people to have a large home. And with people getting larger homes they are having less children? This makes no since to me. :) If you are going to have a, what I call 'Colleyville home,' then why not have children to fill it. :) Anyway, what I am trying to say is I know God will never let us go without food, shelter, and clothing. Isn't that all we really need? (not counting fellowship with others)

3) Can you handle any more children, do you have any support?
I can handle any thing that God gives me as long as I give it all to Him. It is when my attitude is off that I am not able to 'handle' anything. And I do have support. A few family members give verbal support. My true friends give me much support. A few family members help in the sitting area. I have a wonderful husband that supports our growing family very much. And is a great 'help' with letting me have breaks and the ability to go out with friends and bible studies. And most of all I have God's support. Or He wouldn't be entrusting us with these sweet children.
Children are a blessing from God, not a burden.

4) How can you love so many kids, won't someone get left out?
What? No way. God made parent's with a giant heart. I love each of my children with an unmeasurable amount of love. And I love my husband, God, family, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ. The greatest commandment is to love each other as we love ourselves. If God gave such a commandment, don't you think we'd be able to do it?

5) Are you really ok? I mean, happy with having children?
As if I were sitting at home thinking to myself, why do I love my husband so much? Yes I am ok. I am very happy with my family. A caring and loving husband, a growing girl that surprises us every day, a funny boy that loves to hug and cuddle and throw things, a girl that is learning more everyday about being a big girl and loves to take care of bears, and sweet little girl that thinks she is as big as her big sisters. All I can do is look at them and ask, "Lord, You really gave this all to me, to ME?" How undeserving I am of this wonderful family. I am very happy. Truth be told I complain a lot... this is something that needs to change b/c I have no reason to. God and I are working on that on. (I am a work in progress)

6) Couldn't you just use protection?
This is a little personal don't you think? I have many things to say about this, but without making too many people upset, I'll just say that if you are really interested then send me an email and I will gladly share. I may do a separate blog on this one day. We'll see.

Oh, I forgot one, the one that I get asked the most! Are you going to have more?

If so, what? If not, what? It is our family. Joshua and I. What God does with our family by expanding it can only be good. Only more blessed. I truly do want a break. I'd like to not feel like a whale for a while. But not my will, God's be done! Either way it goes, I'd like to say that it is our family, and God has His hand on us. He will always provide and always work things out for the good.

I hope that that helps some of you. Thank you for your concern. (I say that with some sarcasm) :)
If you do have any questions, I am completely open to discussing any issue more with you, feel free to write.

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Saturday, February 03, 2007

A Starbucks Shower!

Any one that knows me, knows I love Starbucks. What better place to have a baby shower!

Right this way to a rented room at Starbucks, did you know they had that? I was most pleasantly surprised.

The lady on the right threw this shower for me. I don't want to give out names of my friends without their permission, so I won't be saying much about them.

I took Hannah with me. She was happy to come and hang out with adults.

Our boy has a complete bedding set from Grammy. I have not had a complete set with any of our children. It's time. :) Thanks Grammy.

Opening gifts is something I've never been good at in front of people. I feel so funny and I'm worried about my facial expressions and if the person that gave the gift will think i don't like it... anyway. I liked it all! :)

Hannah was saying, "oh, how nice," "that looks cute," and "that's so nice." It was cute. She liked seeing the clothes and how small they are.

The balloons were Hannah's favorite and she asked if we could take them home for Sarah and Caleb. What a thoughtful child.

Hannah helped me bring the gifts to the car. She had fun. And so did I! I thank this wonderful group of friends from FBC Grapevine and their consideration to have a shower for our 5th child. I'm so thankful. I got the clothes that we needed and the bottles too. I am once again faced with the provision of God and his taking care of our needs.

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